The Pitfalls of Generic Customer Service


When designing a customer service experience we’re often seeking to ensure consistency, reducing the risk that someone will leave dissatisfied.  This strategy can be sound, however when ‘generic’ turns into ‘automatic’, and we ignore the nuances of each individual interaction we run the risk of dis-engaging our customers… or in this case at Apple, embarrassing them! I'm a fairly new convert to Apple and am delighted by the intuitive attention to detail that their products offer. Whoever would have thought that my phone would be so smart as to take photographs, record messages, enable me to ‘face time’ my friends [...]

The Pitfalls of Generic Customer Service2018-11-04T00:55:57+00:00

Who Cares for your Customers?


When we think of customer support, we generally think of the important role that our front-line sales and service people play, but it’s critical to think carefully about the role that every person plays in supporting your customer experience. I mentioned that my new car broke down a few weeks ago (Give your Customers a Break).  The breakdown was one thing, but when they damaged the car trying to get it out of my garage, the issue became a lot more complex. After 5 weeks, 4 re-sprays, 3 attempts to collect the car only to find it wasn’t up to scratch, 2 customer [...]

Who Cares for your Customers?2014-04-28T01:48:35+00:00

Feedback: You get what you ask for!


Feedback.  Nuggets of Gold.  Customers often provide it, but not many companies choose to hear it, even less actively seek it.  Seeking feedback is one of the most simple things you can do to improve your customer-focus, so it’s exciting to see a company encouraging customers to have their say.  Or is it? Sitting in a car service department last week, I saw the sign on the right asking for feedback.  Can you spot the issue? Having completed a few surveys from this company, I’ve learned that ‘Completely Satisfied’ is the terminology reserved for a top rating.  When I bought [...]

Feedback: You get what you ask for!2014-04-28T01:55:39+00:00

Compliance v Choice


When faced with a need to change, organisations and leaders often have an important decision to make – “is this system/ process/ activity going to be about compliance or choice”.  The answer to this question can have major cultural implications, so it’s worth taking a moment to stop and think. This morning, one of my clients sent me on the obligatory ‘Compliance Training’ modules.  The name says it all.  If you’ve worked in a large organisation you’ve probably been exposed to something similar… employees groan and roll their eyes, leaders chase for weeks to make sure everyone has completed the [...]

Compliance v Choice2013-12-02T11:34:53+00:00

‘Epic Fail’


‘No failures’ sounds like a pretty good mantra for business, but when you look deeper, it may just be a little shortsighted. As a parent it's always interesting to hear new terms that kids use. As mine are in primary school I hear things a bit later than some, but one term a teammate of my son used the other day was 'Fail' or 'Epic Fail'. When he struggled to complete a training drill at soccer, he instantly labeled himself a 'Fail'. This reaction really concerned me as training kids is all about building confidence. Having one of them label [...]

‘Epic Fail’2013-12-02T11:58:58+00:00

Opening Night


Employees play a critical role in building a great customer experience.  Often, as long as we have good processes and clear intent they’ll work it out - right?  Not always… sometimes having a little extra support on hand pays dividends. Cirque du Soleil has come to town with ‘Ovo’.  Of course, these guys are the masters of experience… the way you are welcomed into their world through sight, sound, touch and even smell is amazing.  As always, an absolutely magical production. We’ve been to every show in Brisbane, so are probably classed as ‘experienced users’.  This brings great benefits – [...]

Opening Night2013-12-02T11:34:53+00:00

It’s Your Call


You can’t move these days without coming into contact with an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. Some bright spark a few years back thought they could save a few bucks on labour costs by automating the first part of the customer ‘call in’ experience. They’re become a running joke at BBQs where we swap stories about how they didn’t recognise the service we were after, or just how far from the right queue we were able to stray. So it’s nice to be able to give some kudos to a service provider who has got it right. With the government [...]

It’s Your Call2013-12-02T11:58:58+00:00