It’s time for a Human-Centred approach


It’s interesting to see how we take things for granted until they are taken away, and how we adapt when they’re gone. It’s early April 2020 in Brisbane and change is all around us. For most people, ‘work’ has changed one way or another – got busier, gone remote, gone altogether. Just a month ago our economy was strong, kids were at school, holidays were being planned, and we could drop in to the local restaurant or coffee shop to catch up with friends and colleagues. Today we’re staying home and our human connection has been limited to our household [...]

It’s time for a Human-Centred approach2020-04-06T05:11:52+00:00

3 ‘Customer’ questions every CEO needs to answer


Are customers really important to your organisation? Make sure your executives can answer three critical questions... The Australian banking royal commission has placed consumers in the spotlight. We’ve heard countless stories of consumers who have lost faith in the system and the people who run it. It will take a long time to fully restore trust in the sector. There are many learnings for the financial sector. This is also an opportunity for executives in other organisations to ask critical questions about their culture and customer interactions. 3rdView has been helping organisations to improve customer-focus and customer experience for a decade. We’ve [...]

3 ‘Customer’ questions every CEO needs to answer2019-02-04T02:22:48+00:00

Queensland CX Trends 2019


  A new year… fresh opportunities, a sense of optimism, and a chance to regroup, and reset priorities. We could do this any time of year, but there’s something about the Australian summer that means we seem to draw a clear and fresh line in the sand – pardon the pun! As 2019 kicks off, it’s worth thinking about what lies ahead for our organisations, our customers, and our staff. As leaders in customer experience design in Queensland, 3rdView has looked at the trends in our community, and have identified three that we think will shape the customer experience landscape [...]

Queensland CX Trends 20192019-01-07T00:47:00+00:00

Feedback: Cherish the Gift!


I’ve just completed my third customer feedback survey this week, and it’s only Wednesday.   I’ve been asked to provide feedback on the delivery of a parcel, a change to my private health insurance, and on the purchase of a pair of running shoes.  I also tried to provide feedback on an interaction with a Telco, but that resulted in the consultant ending the call… I guess they weren’t really interested! In each case, the feedback took the form of a Net Promoter System (NPS) question:  “Based on your recent experience, how likely are you to recommend <insert company name here> [...]

Feedback: Cherish the Gift!2018-11-04T00:49:43+00:00

Give your customers a break!


Aligning your organisation systems, customer experience and employee engagement to your strategy can create a truly customer focused business.  Misalignment can leave your customers shaking their heads… and for some organisations this must happen on a daily basis. My car was playing up last week – intermittent, but potentially hazardous.  After a couple of days of believing I must have been at fault (customers do that all the time!) I decided to call the service department of my local dealer to see if they could check it out while I was in the area.  Bear in mind, this claims to [...]

Give your customers a break!2014-04-28T02:00:00+00:00