3 ‘Customer’ questions every CEO needs to answer


Are customers really important to your organisation? Make sure your executives can answer three critical questions... The Australian banking royal commission has placed consumers in the spotlight. We’ve heard countless stories of consumers who have lost faith in the system and the people who run it. It will take a long time to fully restore trust in the sector. There are many learnings for the financial sector. This is also an opportunity for executives in other organisations to ask critical questions about their culture and customer interactions. 3rdView has been helping organisations to improve customer-focus and customer experience for a decade. We’ve [...]

3 ‘Customer’ questions every CEO needs to answer2019-02-04T02:22:48+00:00

Engage a Design Partner: What’s stopping you?


Design is still a new approach to problem-solving in many organisations. Engaging a Design Partner will kick-start your program, so what's the secret to ensuring your first engagement is successful? In a recent round of research with 3rdView clients a fascinating insight emerged... it is actually really difficult to engage a Human-Centred Design (HCD) Partner. Many research participants told us they were only successful after showing fierce determination within their organisation that HCD was a necessary and critical part of their response to a challenge they were facing. If you’re looking to introduce a partner to help shape your organisations HCD journey, [...]

Engage a Design Partner: What’s stopping you?2019-02-03T23:03:33+00:00

3 places for ‘Design’ in Schools


3rdView is passionate about both Design and Education. As we head Back to School for 2019, it's a great time to consider where we can encourage Design in our schools! Next week Queensland schools will welcome over 800,000 kids for the 2019 school year. Year 12 students will experience the final year of the ‘OP’ system, while Prep students will start their journey as the ‘Class of 2031’. It’s an exciting time to be a student. Technology is changing the way we learn, the jobs we do, and the way we work. Students are connected like never before, and literally [...]

3 places for ‘Design’ in Schools2019-01-21T23:44:04+00:00

Queensland CX Trends 2019


  A new year… fresh opportunities, a sense of optimism, and a chance to regroup, and reset priorities. We could do this any time of year, but there’s something about the Australian summer that means we seem to draw a clear and fresh line in the sand – pardon the pun! As 2019 kicks off, it’s worth thinking about what lies ahead for our organisations, our customers, and our staff. As leaders in customer experience design in Queensland, 3rdView has looked at the trends in our community, and have identified three that we think will shape the customer experience landscape [...]

Queensland CX Trends 20192019-01-07T00:47:00+00:00

Perfectly Imperfect


“Perfectionism is increasing and that’s not good news”. A recent Harvard study tells us that young people are becoming increasingly perfectionistic, and that this is impacting their mental health. Meanwhile, every time we run our Customer-based Design programs senior business people remind us of the expectation of ‘getting it right first time’, regardless of their role or task. They celebrate being given ‘permission’ to prototype, being able to put something rough on the table and refine based on genuine feedback during our course. If everyone is feeling suffocated by perfection, why do we continue to pursue it? It seems that [...]

Perfectly Imperfect2018-11-04T00:50:36+00:00

New year, fresh perspectives


Happy New Year! A new year brings the opportunity for a fresh start and big ideas. Unfortunately, most of us struggle to maintain the momentum past the first fortnight. We take on too much, and when the ‘busy-ness’ of the year takes hold, the opportunity for positive change is lost. For many businesses, improving customer experience is a high priority, but it can seem hard to start once the year cranks up. In 2016, Forrester reported that over 70% of businesses named ‘improving the customer experience’ as their top priority. If improving customer experience is on your list for 2018, [...]

New year, fresh perspectives2018-11-04T00:50:02+00:00

Apple… is it time to break up?


Apple hit my customer experience sweet spot, then broke it. Was it down to poor customer experience redesign? Is your new offering destroying the very value that won your customers in the first place? The situation… I’ll never forget Father’s Day 2004… Not only was it my first Father’s Day with the arrival of my son Lucas a few months earlier, I also received my first ever father’s day present, an iPod from my wife. It was my first Apple product. As a huge music fan, and a faithful Walkman and Discman user over the years, the iPod was a [...]

Apple… is it time to break up?2018-11-04T00:56:23+00:00

Sales or Service?


When you purchase a product the sales person often tries to ‘add on’ or sell another related item in the name of service. Cynically I view this ’service’ as a way to increase the retailer’s profits and have rarely purchased the additional ‘add on‘ item. That is up until now. I don’t camp.  It is beyond me why anyone would willingly leave a perfectly dry house with a comfortable bed with 1000 percale cotton sheets and share an evening with creepy crawlies and unpredictable weather. This aversion stems from my first Girl Guiding ‘under canvas’ experience that ended with me [...]

Sales or Service?2014-04-28T00:21:37+00:00

The Accidental Customer


Many customer experiences involve regular or repeat customers. Once you know the drill, it's ‘all good’. But what about first time or occasional customers - the accidental tourists? Are you rolling out the welcome mat, or are you keeping new customers locked out because you make it too hard for first timers? When it comes to public transport I am 100% a train guy. I know where they start and finish, which one to get, and that it will generally be on time. Lately though I've needed to move between locations in and around the city in a hurry, and [...]

The Accidental Customer2014-04-28T00:21:52+00:00

How well do you keep your customer promises?


The old adage ’always deliver on your promises to customers’ has never been more relevant than in today’s competitive market place.  Being true to your word and delivering on what you have agreed, can reward your business with a lifetime of repeat business and create advocates of your customers, something that all the marketing dollars in the world can’t buy.  A great experience with an online retailer really brought home the difference that delivering on promises can make. My microwave recently had a quick and unceremonious death. One minute it was working, the next it had stopped. For our family, [...]

How well do you keep your customer promises?2014-04-28T00:22:07+00:00