Queensland CX Trends 2019


  A new year… fresh opportunities, a sense of optimism, and a chance to regroup, and reset priorities. We could do this any time of year, but there’s something about the Australian summer that means we seem to draw a clear and fresh line in the sand – pardon the pun! As 2019 kicks off, it’s worth thinking about what lies ahead for our organisations, our customers, and our staff. As leaders in customer experience design in Queensland, 3rdView has looked at the trends in our community, and have identified three that we think will shape the customer experience landscape [...]

Queensland CX Trends 20192019-01-07T00:47:00+00:00

Perfectly Imperfect


“Perfectionism is increasing and that’s not good news”. A recent Harvard study tells us that young people are becoming increasingly perfectionistic, and that this is impacting their mental health. Meanwhile, every time we run our Customer-based Design programs senior business people remind us of the expectation of ‘getting it right first time’, regardless of their role or task. They celebrate being given ‘permission’ to prototype, being able to put something rough on the table and refine based on genuine feedback during our course. If everyone is feeling suffocated by perfection, why do we continue to pursue it? It seems that [...]

Perfectly Imperfect2018-11-04T00:50:36+00:00