From customer-phobic to Customer-focused!


Are you arachnophobic, agoraphobic or acrophobic? If not, you’ll certainly know someone who is. Fearing spiders, crowded places and heights is not always a bad thing as each of these has an inherent aspect of danger. A phobia is an unhelpful anxiety or fear of a situation or thing. If you are scared of something and it can harm you; that is a good thing. If the fear is present, but the danger is not, such as seeing pictures of spiders or approaching the window in a skyscraper, that is unhelpful and hence, is a phobia. What is Customer Phobia? [...]

From customer-phobic to Customer-focused!2016-06-14T02:45:05+00:00

Shining light, or casting a shadow?


As a Leader you have a major impact on the culture of your organisation.  The behaviours you display and the symbols you present to your team and customers say a lot about who you are and what you stand for.  Your behaviours can provide light and inspiration, or cast a shadow over your team. After years of observing organisations and teams on their customer focus journey, there are invariably 3 behaviours that truly customer focused leaders exhibit – they connect with customers, they share their passion for customers, and develop strategies that focus on the customer. So, if you’re working [...]

Shining light, or casting a shadow?2014-04-28T00:22:27+00:00