From customer-phobic to Customer-focused!


Are you arachnophobic, agoraphobic or acrophobic? If not, you’ll certainly know someone who is. Fearing spiders, crowded places and heights is not always a bad thing as each of these has an inherent aspect of danger. A phobia is an unhelpful anxiety or fear of a situation or thing. If you are scared of something and it can harm you; that is a good thing. If the fear is present, but the danger is not, such as seeing pictures of spiders or approaching the window in a skyscraper, that is unhelpful and hence, is a phobia. What is Customer Phobia? [...]

From customer-phobic to Customer-focused!2016-06-14T02:45:05+00:00

Reinvigorate your Customer Experience


It’s never to late to reinvigorate your customer experience! Have you ever felt your competitors have overtaken you? As new entrants they’ve been nimble and responsive to customer needs. In contrast you’ve invested in systems and infrastructure that make it harder to adapt quickly. What options do you have to respond, to let customers know you’re still around? Like many in Australia I have done my fair share of flying. I recently travelled to Perth to facilitate a customer strategy workshop for a client. When it comes to domestic plane travel I am a big fan of Virgin. They are [...]

Reinvigorate your Customer Experience2014-04-28T00:22:46+00:00

Feedback: You get what you ask for!


Feedback.  Nuggets of Gold.  Customers often provide it, but not many companies choose to hear it, even less actively seek it.  Seeking feedback is one of the most simple things you can do to improve your customer-focus, so it’s exciting to see a company encouraging customers to have their say.  Or is it? Sitting in a car service department last week, I saw the sign on the right asking for feedback.  Can you spot the issue? Having completed a few surveys from this company, I’ve learned that ‘Completely Satisfied’ is the terminology reserved for a top rating.  When I bought [...]

Feedback: You get what you ask for!2014-04-28T01:55:39+00:00

‘Epic Fail’


‘No failures’ sounds like a pretty good mantra for business, but when you look deeper, it may just be a little shortsighted. As a parent it's always interesting to hear new terms that kids use. As mine are in primary school I hear things a bit later than some, but one term a teammate of my son used the other day was 'Fail' or 'Epic Fail'. When he struggled to complete a training drill at soccer, he instantly labeled himself a 'Fail'. This reaction really concerned me as training kids is all about building confidence. Having one of them label [...]

‘Epic Fail’2013-12-02T11:58:58+00:00