Feedback: You get what you ask for!


Feedback.  Nuggets of Gold.  Customers often provide it, but not many companies choose to hear it, even less actively seek it.  Seeking feedback is one of the most simple things you can do to improve your customer-focus, so it’s exciting to see a company encouraging customers to have their say.  Or is it? Sitting in a car service department last week, I saw the sign on the right asking for feedback.  Can you spot the issue? Having completed a few surveys from this company, I’ve learned that ‘Completely Satisfied’ is the terminology reserved for a top rating.  When I bought [...]

Feedback: You get what you ask for!2014-04-28T01:55:39+00:00

Keep your shirt on!


Not all customer needs are created equal. Some are 'nice to have', while others are really 'showstoppers' that can make all the difference between brand loyalty and a customer looking for a new provider. Do you know what matters most to your customers? Do your products and services meet that need? If not, how are you gathering the customer insights that will make the difference? When it comes to business shirts there is one need I have that seems to be particularly hard to find. I prefer cotton as I inherited my father's sensitive skin, and it breathes better in [...]

Keep your shirt on!2014-04-28T01:58:37+00:00

Give your customers a break!


Aligning your organisation systems, customer experience and employee engagement to your strategy can create a truly customer focused business.  Misalignment can leave your customers shaking their heads… and for some organisations this must happen on a daily basis. My car was playing up last week – intermittent, but potentially hazardous.  After a couple of days of believing I must have been at fault (customers do that all the time!) I decided to call the service department of my local dealer to see if they could check it out while I was in the area.  Bear in mind, this claims to [...]

Give your customers a break!2014-04-28T02:00:00+00:00

The ‘Peak End’ Rule


The ‘peak end’ rule applies to customer experiences where the process may be drawn out over a few hours, days, weeks or even months, and looking back we tend to only remember two aspects of the experience. The emotional peak, when the experience was at its the most frustrating or enjoyable, and the end, how did it eventually turn out. Once such instance occurred just last week when my wife and I were lucky enough to attend a concert, which doesn’t happen too often these days. The opportunity to see Paul Kelly and Neil Finn playing together rolling out more [...]

The ‘Peak End’ Rule2014-04-28T02:02:26+00:00

The Language of your Brand


At 3rdView, we’re strong believers that engaged and passionate employees are an essential element of your customer-focused business.  They reflect and reinforce your brand, and can turn it into something truly special.  This really hit home last week during a visit to ‘Le Bon Choix’… Le Bon Choix ("The Best Choice") describes itself as a bakery.  Its branding reflects the French heritage of the owner, and his pursuit for excellence in the creation of exquisite French pastry, cake and bread.  They’re clearly focused on their art – quality product first and foremost. Walk in to Le Bon Choix, and you’ll [...]

The Language of your Brand2014-04-28T02:07:02+00:00

Opening Night


Employees play a critical role in building a great customer experience.  Often, as long as we have good processes and clear intent they’ll work it out - right?  Not always… sometimes having a little extra support on hand pays dividends. Cirque du Soleil has come to town with ‘Ovo’.  Of course, these guys are the masters of experience… the way you are welcomed into their world through sight, sound, touch and even smell is amazing.  As always, an absolutely magical production. We’ve been to every show in Brisbane, so are probably classed as ‘experienced users’.  This brings great benefits – [...]

Opening Night2013-12-02T11:34:53+00:00

It’s Your Call


You can’t move these days without coming into contact with an IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. Some bright spark a few years back thought they could save a few bucks on labour costs by automating the first part of the customer ‘call in’ experience. They’re become a running joke at BBQs where we swap stories about how they didn’t recognise the service we were after, or just how far from the right queue we were able to stray. So it’s nice to be able to give some kudos to a service provider who has got it right. With the government [...]

It’s Your Call2013-12-02T11:58:58+00:00

Fear of Feedback


“When you're screwing up and nobody says anything to you anymore, that means they've given up on you.” ― Randy Pausch Customer feedback is like little nuggets of gold for your business. Customers who take the time to give you feedback care. By telling you, they’re helping you to do more of the things they like, and how to improve the things they don’t like. They’re giving you tips on where to focus your effort. Sitting with a friend yesterday, we were discussing how tough their industry is at the moment, and their need to refocus their efforts. They mentioned they were [...]

Fear of Feedback2013-12-02T11:34:53+00:00