I’m told that one of the greatest skills I have is the ability to translate my day-to-day interactions into lessons on how to become a more customer-focused organisation. Useful? Absolutely!
Hundreds of times each day I find myself observing ordinary interactions from the outside – seeing different perspectives on the situation. By doing this, I’ve learned that it’s often the little things that make the difference to our experiences – a well-placed sign, a pause to listen, a quick check of quality or a little empathy. Simple things, but a critical part of a customer-focused strategy.
These observations of ordinary life provide great insights, and help me work with clients to design great organisations and experiences.
These observations are my 3rdViews. What are yours?
Shining light, or casting a shadow?
As a Leader you have a major impact on the culture of your organisation. The behaviours you display and the symbols you present to your team and customers say a lot about who you are [...]
Reinvigorate your Customer Experience
It’s never to late to reinvigorate your customer experience! Have you ever felt your competitors have overtaken you? As new entrants they’ve been nimble and responsive to customer needs. In contrast you’ve invested in systems [...]
The Pitfalls of Generic Customer Service
When designing a customer service experience we’re often seeking to ensure consistency, reducing the risk that someone will leave dissatisfied. This strategy can be sound, however when ‘generic’ turns into ‘automatic’, and we ignore the [...]
Who Cares for your Customers?
When we think of customer support, we generally think of the important role that our front-line sales and service people play, but it’s critical to think carefully about the role that every person plays in supporting your [...]
Keep your shirt on… again!
Is a superior product enough to build customer satisfaction, or is it important to take a more holistic approach to your customers and their experience? For those of you who read my earlier blog on [...]
No Parking? No stress.
It can be easy to focus on the poorly designed experiences, but every so often something comes along that makes you realise that companies just might be using customer insights to develop innovative new products [...]